Thursday, February 7, 2013

Works Cited:

Economic and Media Analysis:

1.      The United Kingdom is governed by a constitutional monarchy.  The monarch is head of state.

2.      Legislative power is vested in two chambers of the Parliament – House of Commons and House of Lords.

3.      Parliament is located in London.

4.      The Prime Minister, David Cameron, is the head of government.

5.      The Queen opens parliament every year with a certain crown she only wears on that day.

6.      England has not had a separate political identity since 1707, when Great Britain was established as a political entity. There is no government or parliament just for England.

7. Respect is always a must when in England. Promptness is expected when attending meetings at all times.

8. As like the United States, it is important to refer to people as Mr, Mrs, and Miss. However, the only thing different is in England they DO NOT use periods following their titles.

9. Business attire and conservative style are the trends for business meetings in England.

10. Many times and for special occasions women are seen wearing large hats which are called fascinators.

11. Shopping is a crucial part of England. There are many famous places and stores located in this thriving country.

12. High Street consists of the prime shopping location. Here are the infamous shops, Harrods and Harvey Nichols.


13. Although there is not a local Harris Teeter in England they do have a Tesco. Tesco is their local and largest supermarket that is the place to buy one's groceries.

14.  Living in Enlgnad is extremely expensive. In the last 10 years men and women have decreased their buying habits and are now thinking more intensively about items they are buying every day.

15. Media in England is important for news and pleasure. The Radio Authority, The British Broadcasting Corporation, and The Independent Television Commission are all three the top picks for the locals.

16. Media consumes Englands every day life. Almost everyone has a television in their home except for about 5% of the population.

17. Coca-Cola is a product that is used in both England and the United States.

London Bridge, England

18. My favorite part about this advertisement is how they used a main tourist attraction to represent Coca-Cola with! Here in the United States Coco-Cola uses the famous Times Square location to reprsent their brand!

Times Square, NYC

19. The way Coca-Cola is written on each of the advertisements is the same. The main difference is the size of the Coca-Cola bottle in each of the advertiements.

Famous Places:


1.      London Eye: located in London, large Ferris wheel (443 ft. tall).

2.      Big Ben: located at the end of the Palace of Westminster in London, also called the “Elizabeth Tower” in recognition of Queen Elizabeth II

3.      Westminster Abbey: located in London, a Collegiate Church where Prince William and Kate got married on April 30, 2011.

4.      Stonehenge: located in Wiltshire, ring of large stones which archaeologist believe could have been burial grounds.

5.      Abbey Road: located in London, best known for The Beatles Album

6.      Wimbledon: located in Wimbledon, London Borough of Merton, oldest tennis tournament in the world.

7.      Schools: Oxford University and London School of Economics.

8.      Castles: Windsor Castle, Dover Castle, and Rochester Castle.
Favorite Place of ALL:
Westminster Abbey!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Overview and Cultural Analysis:

1.      The name England originated from Englaland which means, land of the Angles.


2.      First human evidence was seen about 780,000 years ago.

3.      Their official language is English with a British accent.

4.      The capital of England is London, but formally Winchester until replaced in 1066.

5.      Their population is approximately 53 million.

6.      Pound sterling is their form of currency (symbol: £).

7.    England borders with Scotland (to the North) and Wales (to the West).

8.    The south of England is mostly low-lying land, with hills and agricultural land and the north   of England is mostly covered in moorland and mountains.

9. England is the warmest country that makes up the United Kingdom.

10. For approximately 1340 hours every year the sun shines in England.

11. Although the United Kingdom is typically known for their vast amount of rain, Enlgand ranks least in the amount of rain throughout the year.